3 Question Blog

        1.  Tasks I have completed recently include taking a quiz on everything I have learned the past 4 weeks of school. I have also completes multiple labs as well as studied and learned basic anatomical terms, positions, and regions. Along with handouts on positive and negative feedback & homeostasis.
       2. I have completed multiple labs teaching me of the body and in addition to this I have learned about anatomical position, planes, and regions. Also the role homeostasis in the body. Lastly I learned about and how to differentiate positive and negative feedback systems.

       3. To implement, understand, and reinforce learning in the future I will be paying more attention in class, participating, and engaging myself in the handout's and worksheets provided. In addition to this I will study the notes and handouts more and implement what I have learned I my everyday life in order to cement the information in my mind.


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